♪♩♪… I am tired of earth, these people.
i am tired of being caught in the tangle of their liiii-iives.… ♬♪
♬♫ "We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions,
Yet seen from another´s vantage point, as if new, it may still take our breath away.
Come… dry your eyes,
for you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of heisenberg.
Come, dry your eyes. And let´s go hooo–ome…"♪♫
Paul Barsch & Tilman Hornig
Club Mate, Dead Cockroaches, Deposit Glass Head, Acrylic Paint,
Euro Cents, Fender Acoustic, Dr. Manhattan, Ikea Bags, Soil,
Canon 60D, Adobe Ps CC
@CU Gallery – Leipzig
curated by Enrico Meyer
accompanied by a performance by Paul Philipp Heinze
August, 2015